Learning to manage water retention

Many of you have experienced water/fluid retention, but you haven’t probably been aware of it. Most commonly, fluid retention happens when your feet and lower legs are swelled, but swelling could also occur in your arms, hands, face, or other areas of the body. Water retention, also known as fluid retention or edema refers to an excessive build up of fluid in the circulatory system, body tissues, or cavities in the body. Fluid retention is caused by too much fluid in your body tissues. There are a variety of causes, including changes in the levels of minerals and proteins in your blood and tissues, heart failure, kidney failure, and certain medicines. Other causes may include: a diet too high in salt, PMS (premenstrual syndrome), pregnancy, hypertension, sitting or standing in the same position for a long period of time etc. ...

If you suffer from idiopathic edema - the term for fluid retention which it not caused by a known medical condition, you should learn to live with it and find ways to make it easier to bear. According to Patients. co. uk, here is what you can do to diminish its symptoms:

(1) Avoid prolonged standing: If this is not possible given the nature of your job, wearing support stockings or tights will often help to reduce swelling of ankles and legs.

(2) Weight loss: Many people with fluid retention are overweight and losing weight can make a big difference to improve the edema.

(3) Avoid tight clothes which make blood to flow less easily...

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