High protein diet to ward off the risk of stroke
Diet plays an important role in protecting ourselves against stoke. For example, foods high in fat can lead to a build up of fatty plaques in the arteries that can cause atherosclerosis, while overweight and obesity can lead to high blood pressure and diabetes. Some diets based on proteins are often not enough to keep our bodies healthy. But a new new study, led by researchers at the University School of Medicine in Nanjing, China, show a strong association between protein, especially from fish, and a reduced risk of stroke. According to their findings, the risk of stroke could be lowered by almost 26 percent by consuming 20 grams of protein per day. These findings remained even after taking other factors into account that may influence the risk of stroke, such as smoking and high cholesterol. So can eating a precise amount of proteins every day really benefit your health?The studies was conducted on more than 250,000 participants who were followed for an average of 14 years. They noticed that participants whose diet included highest amount of protein had a 20 percent lower risk of developing stroke compared to those with lowest amount of protein in their diet. The risk of stroke further dropped by 26 percent with an additional 20 grams per day of protein consumed. The authors highlight that proteins should come rather from fish than from red meat. In addition, researchers say that dietary protein intake tends to be linked with other nutrients that may prevent stroke, such as dietary fiber, magnesium and potassium. The study authors say their findings may have important implications for the worldwide population: If everyones protein intake were at this level, that would translate to more than 1. 4 million fewer deaths from stroke each year worldwide, plus a decreased level of disability from stroke, researchers said. They conclude that further research is warranted to confirm whether a diet higher in protein can reduce the risk of stroke. ...