8 ways grapefruit can benefit your diet
Grapefruit is a citrus fruit that can be eaten as a fruit or used as a medicine in the form of oils from the peel, and extracts from the seed. For those of you who dislike it for its bitter taste, here are some good reasons to include grapefruit in your diet: (1) Grapefruit can be used in for cancer prevention thanks to the vitamin C it contains, an antioxidant found in many other fruits and vegetables(2) Grapefruit juice is used to combat high cholesterol to avoid “hardening of the arteries”;(3) Effective in toning of the skin, treating acne and oily skin. Seed extract is applied to the skin as a facial cleanser, first-aid treatment, remedy for mild skin irritations, and also for psoriasis;(4) It is also used for weight loss and obesity;(5) Grapefruit seed extract for bacterial, viral, and fungal infections including yeast infections. It can be also used as a vaginal douche for vaginal yeast infections (candidiasis);(6) Grapefruit oil is applied to the skin for muscle fatigue, hair growth etc. (7) Can be used to fight the common cold and flu (influenza). It is also used as an ear or nasal rinse for preventing and treating infections or as a gargle for sore throats; (8) Grapefruit extract is used in dental rinse for preventing gingivitis and promoting healthy gums, as a breath freshener. Despite its health benefits, researchers warned that the fruit reacts with a large number of medicines, causing side-effects ranging from stomach bleeding to kidney problems, muscle aches and irregular heartbeats. Ask your doctor or pharmacist if you can eat grapefruit while taking your regular medicines. ...