Simple ways to prevent back pain
Back pain is one of the most commonly reported pain conditions in the world. Whether you already suffer from back pain or you want to take a step forward to prevent it, here are some habits you should definitely avoid: (1) Having a sedentary life and lack of exercise If you are sedentary all of the time, its likely that you will suffer from back pain. The failure to perform any exercise, particularly abdominal strengthening exercises, may lead to poor posture and increased low back pain. You can try exercises like Pilates or any other activities that strengthen the stability in the back muscles(2) Having a bad posture. Poor posture can add strain to muscles and put stress on the spine To avoid back injuries, try to stand with your knees slightly bent, and place one foot forward to take pressure off the lower back and reduce back strain. Doctors advise to sit with your hips slightly higher than your knees. (3) Overweight: Being overweight can create pressure on your back. Keep your weight under control for back pain prevention. (4) Lifting heavy objects incorrectly: To lift heavy objects you need to bend your knees and use the power of your legs, keeping the weight close to the body be sure to avoid twisting. (5) Smoking: Nicotine restricts blood flow to the discs that cushion your vertebrae and increases the rate of degenerative change. It can also reduce calcium absorption and prevent new bone growth(6) Not getting enough Calcium and vitamin D: These nutrients are essential for bone strength, hence lacking them in your diet can cause back pain. ...
Depending on the moment of the day or the environment you are in at a certain point, you can use the following tips to help you protect your back from any type of ache.
(1) Stretching the second after you wake up: Take a minute to stretch fully and let your body wake up before getting a move on. This can help prevent injuries.
(2) In the car : If you spend a lot of time in the car make sure you pick up the right vehicle that will help to sit vertically, allowing you to keep your knees level with or below your hips; set your seat properly and avoid pushing it so far back that you have to lean; and take breaks if you have a long trip ahead of you.
(3) At work: Position your computer properly and make sure you are seated at eye level to your screen, so that you don’t have to look too far down or up; Sit smart by getting a chair that provides support for your middle and lower back; take a break every 45-50 minutes, get up for a few minutes to stretch and walk around. ...