Shoulder adhesive capsulitis (frozen shoulder)
Shoulder | Orthopaedics | Shoulder adhesive capsulitis (frozen shoulder) (Disease)
Frozen shoulder syndrome or adhesive capsule are two terms that describe a variety of clinical conditions including subacromial bursitis, tendinitis and calcified rotator cracks cape. Despite various nomenclature used to describe all these terms frozen shoulder syndrome show different clinical conditions that can cause painful restriction of active and passive glen humeral motion and scapular movements of the shoulder.
Condition include signs and symptoms of slow onset of shoulder pain, discomfort located near the deltoid insertion, inability to sleep on the affected side, lifting limitations can change based glen humeral external rotation and normal radiological appearance.
Causes and Risk factors
Most often, frozen shoulder occurs with no associated injury or discernible cause. There are patients who develop a frozen shoulder after a traumatic injury to the shoulder, but this is not the usual cause.
The disease is associated with several conditions. A high incidence of the condition exist among patients with diabetes than the general population. The incidence among patients with insulin-dependent diabetes is even higher.
Diagnosis and Treatment
Diagnostic criteria for frozen shoulder syndrome include painful restriction of passive and active glen humeral motion and scapular movements. Despite these criteria, the diagnosis of encapsulated adhesive can be difficult because there are many controversies over specific restriction glen humeral movements and the time needed to qualify a patient with frozen shoulder.
Treatment can be painful and overworked and consists of physical therapy, medication, massage therapy, or surgery hydrodilatation. It can perform shoulder manipulation under anesthesia, a process that breaks adhesions and fibrous tissue around the joint to help restore several movements. Physical therapy is very important in all stages of the disease, despite worsening pain and inflammation as prevent painful contractures.
Pain and inflammation can be controlled with analgesics and NSAIDs. If manual therapy and stretching are applied shoulder capsule will contract gradually, leaving the shoulder with severe restriction of movement. Adhesive capsule usually affects patients between 40-70 years. The incidence is not known precisely but is estimated at 3% of the population. Men tend to be affected more frequently than women and there is no racial predilection. Menopause in women is a trigger. ...