Sickle cell crisis (thrombotic)

General or Other | Hematology | Sickle cell crisis (thrombotic) (Disease)


Blood flows continuously through the blood vessels throughout the body. Oxygenated blood is pumped by the heart in arteries, and after feeding various organs, returns to the heart through veins. From here he will be pushed to the lungs, where oxygen is loaded again, returning to the heart and back into circulation serving the organs.

Thrombosis is a pathological phenomenon consists in the formation of a thrombus (blood clot composed of fibrin, the white blood cell and platelet) in an artery or a vein. There are different types of thrombosis: thrombosis of a coronary artery can cause occlusion and, consequently, the occurrence of myocardial infarction; thrombosis of the leg arteries train acute ischemia, in suppression of an entire party membership irrigation, sometimes leads to gangrene which may require amputation; thrombosis of a vein, which occurs most often in the leg, is responsible for a phlebitis; thrombosis can achieve different digestive organs, eg intestine (bringing about intestinal ischemia) or colon (entailing an ischemic colitis), and portal vein (thrombosis is when the tumor or infectious origin) or anus; thrombosis of cerebral arteries destination (primitive or internal carotid artery, vertebral artery or basilar trunk) may be responsible for ischemic stroke and is manifested by sensory or motor deficit corresponding brain territory reached. thrombosis of cerebral veins can be emphasized by headaches and seizures, and may result in ischemic stroke of venous origin.

Causes and Risk factors

A thrombosis can be favored by a plaque (fatty deposit), the slow circulation (blood stasis or poliglobuly heart failure) or a change in hemostasis which causes a state of hypercoagulation (deficiency in antithrombin III, in protein C and S). pregnancy, the period following surgery, take oral contraceptives and smoking are factors favoring.

Diagnosis and Treatment

Different drugs are used in preventive or curative treatment of thrombosis, antiplatelet as aspirin and ticlopidine, anticoagulants like heparin and vitamin K antagonists, thrombolytics. A thrombectomy (thrombus ablation) is performed in an emergency. ...

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