Stone in the bladder, urinary
Pelvis | Urology | Stone in the bladder, urinary (Disease)
Urinary stones, known more commonly as the kidney stones is a disease known since ancient times. It is described as great pain (renal colic) caused by kidney stones that treatment is necessary to remove them.
Even if medicine has evolved considerably to this day, urinary stones still remained one of the most common diseases, even more, its incidence is increasing in Europe, North America and Japan. Young people aged between 20 and 40 are more likely to develop stones, but the disease can also occur in children and elderly.
Causes and Risk factors
The cause is thought to be the food and water hardness. Kidney stones appear on the urinary route. Stones clog the tube in which they are located interfering with the normal path of urine through the urinary system. The pressure caused by the stones grows more and more causing muscle spasm which translate clinically in great pain that the patient cannot normally bear.
There are several risk factors that may favour the appearance of stones in the bladder: nutrition, malnutrition and protein excess can promote its emergence; insufficient hydration (it takes at least 2 liters of water per day for proper hydration); high temperatures (favoring dehydration); water with high calcium content (favoring the occurrence of calcium stones); lifestyle and occupation (work in an environment that favors dehydration, stress, state of psychic tension, prolonged exposure to high temperatures); endocrine and metabolic factors (disturbances in mineral metabolism, hyperparathyroidism); genetic factors (blood relatives with a history of urinary stones); a history of urinary stones.
Diagnosis and Treatment
Drinking 6 - 8 glasses of water or more per day to increase urinary output may help the stones to pass. Your healthcare provider may remove stones that do not pass on their own using a cystoscope (a small tube that passes through the urethra to the bladder). Some stones may need to be removed using open surgery. Medications are rarely used to dissolve the stones. ...