
Skin | Dermatology | Sunburn (Disease)


Fair and rational benefits to sun exposure are well known. Besides the aesthetic or psychological (the sun having a favorable role in combating depressive states), it promotes the synthesis of vitamin D, thus intervening in the fight against rickets (in children), to osteomalacy (in adults) - by promoting calcium absorption and phosphorus from food and their fixation in bone. Also, the sun relieves joint pain and strengthens the immune system.

Most of these burns is manifested clinically by local pain of moderate intensity, occurred amid intense erythematous areas with altered sensitivity. Despite the symptoms, sometimes intensely felt by the patient, these lesions are superficial, affecting only the outer layer of skin and fits in the first degree burns. Such burns can be treated successfully at home, if they meet some specialized medical advice. Second-degree burns but are deeper lesions and therefore more painful and require a longer time for healing, as well as complex treatment. Skin, in this case, is erythematous, swollen and presents bladders (blisters or pustules). Pain is also more intense, which shows a deep affection, even involving nerve endings.

Causes and Risk factors

Prolonged exposure, however, may be a risk factor for the occurrence of certain diseases with long evolution (e. g. skin cancer) or immediate problems of the skin (sunburn) or can worsen pre-existing pathological condition (e. g. , disease cardiovascular, autoimmune disease systemic lupus erythematosus or different collagen). skin burns are skin lesions caused by sun exposure irrational and abusive, failing to take measures for protection against ultraviolet radiation.

Exposure to improperly or for long periods in the sun, has other harmful effects besides skin burns, such as: Sunburn or other problems caused by excessive temperatures; Allergic reactions, both UV as well as some sunscreen products;Vision problems: decreased visual acuity, retinal damage, up to partial or total loss of vision. Long-term dangers include: Increased risk of skin cancer;Aggravation of diseases such as lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis.

Diagnosis and Treatment

Unfortunately, theres no fast-fix sunburn treatment. Once you have sunburn, the damage is done — although it may take 12 to 24 hours after sun exposure to know the full extent and severity of sunburn, and several days or more for your skin to begin to heal.

Consult a doctor for sunburn treatment if evere sunburn covers a large portion of your body with blisters, sunburn is accompanied by a high fever or severe pain, severe sunburn doesnt begin to improve within a few days.


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