Temporal lobe epilepsy (seizures)

Head | Neurology | Temporal lobe epilepsy (seizures) (Disease)


Epilepsy is a chronic nervous system that is manifested by recurrent seizures (repeating) caused by a chronic underlying process (small lesions in the brain - epileptic foci). Seizures are more common during childhood and after 65 years, but the disease can occur at any age.

Epilepsy is characterized by recurrent seizures caused by a process medial temporal lobe epilepsy underlying chronic. Syndrome - is the most common syndrome associated with complex partial seizures. Syndrome features are: family history of febrile seizures, family history of epilepsy, early onset, stared, complex automatisms, disorientation, memory loss, unilateral positions.

Causes and Risk factors

Seizures is caused by excessive discharge a group of neurons in the central nervous system causing a series of events that range from minimum phenomena to severe convulsions. The diagnosis of epilepsy is established after at least two seizures . A single seizure episode can not diagnose epilepsy.

Children may suffer one or more convulsive episodes, usually associated with high fever (febrile convulsions). In addition, it is estimated that one in 10 people suffer such a crisis in life. Seizures occur when brain cells do not normally communicate through electrical impulses. During the crisis, some cells in chaotic impulses download, preventing other cells to function properly. These irregularities can temporarily change how the patient perceives stimuli, behavior, movements and his state of consciousness.

Diagnosis and Treatment

Treatments can remove or reduce the frequency of seizures and their intensity. Many children with epilepsy beyond disease over time. MRI can detect multiple sclerosis hippocampus, small hippocampus, temporal lobe small, temporal horn growth.

Syndrome responds well to surgery. Physical examination should watch for signs of infection or systemic disease, head injury or signs of drug use or alcohol. Listening to heart and carotid arteries may reveal a cerebral-vascular anomaly. ...

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