Tick paralysis
General or Other | - Others | Tick paralysis (Disease)
Ticks are fixed and feed without causing pain. Blood is their only nutrient. However, their secretions cause local reactions, febrile illness or paralysis. Local reactions to tick bites range from small pruritic papules to nodules or chronic tick granuloma, which reach several centimeters in diameter and may require surgical excision.
Fever caused by ticks, associated with headache, nausea and malaise usually resolves within 24-36 hours after tick removal.
Causes and Risk factors
Tick paralysis is caused by ascending flaccid paralysis, which is believed to be caused by a toxin in tick saliva, which causes a reduction of management nerve and neuromuscular blockade.
Worldwide, this rare complication occurred after the bite of a total of 40 species of ticks. Children, especially girls with long hair are most often affected. muscle weakness the lower extremities begins 5-6 days after the tick was attached and progresses symmetrically upward within a few days, resulting in complete paralysis of the extremities and cranial nerves. tendon reflexes are diminished or absent, but sensory examination and lumbar puncture results are typically normal. removal of the tick results in improvement of symptoms within a few hours and, usually, complete healing within a few days. Failure tick removal can result in death by aspiration or respiratory paralysis.
Diagnosis and Treatment
Diagnosis depends on finding the tick, which often hide hair. An antiserum to the saliva of Ixodes holocyclus, effectively deliver on these tick paralysis. Ticks should be removed by farm tractors forceps placed near their point of attachment. point of attachment must be disinfected (e. g. tincture of iodine). removal of ticks within 48 hours after fixing agents prevent the transmission of Lyme disease and babesiosis. Careful handling to avoid rupture ticks, and use gloves prevent accidental contamination with tick fluids that contain pathogens. ...