Tubo ovarian abscesses (pelvic abscess)
Pelvis | Obstetrics and Gynaecology | Tubo ovarian abscesses (pelvic abscess) (Disease)
Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is a general term for infection and inflammation of the upper reproductive organs in women. Pelvic inflammatory disease can include infection or inflammation: fallopian tubes; superficial layer of the uterus; ovaries; of a Fallopian tube and ovary respectively, forming a cavity infected (tube-ovarian abscess).
Although most women fully recover with treatment, some women had serious complications after pelvic inflammatory disease. About 20% may have scarring of the fallopian tubes, which decreases the likelihood that a person get pregnant (tubal infertility) and approximately 20% present chronic pelvic pain.
Causes and Risk factors
This is often but not always, a complication of sexually transmitted diseases . Also, pelvic inflammatory disease can occur in the abdomen as an abscess, inflammation of a superficial layer that lines the abdomen (pelvic peritonitis) or inflammation around the liver. Pelvic inflammatory disease can occur as a silent disease, without affecting reproductive organs cause any symptoms.
Also, pelvic inflammatory disease increases the risk of tubal pregnancy (ectopic). Untreated pelvic inflammatory disease is a serious health problem that has long lasting effects. Sexually active adolescents and young adult women, who are at higher risk for sexually transmitted disease, are considered a group at high risk of developing an inflammatory disease usually pelvic. The pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is caused a sexually transmitted disease (STD) that infects the cervix, the region that connects the upper vagina and uterus. Once the cervix was infected with an STD, it becomes easier for other bacteria present in the vagina to penetrate and infect the uterus and fallopian tubes. It also can develop pelvic inflammatory disease due to bacterial vaginitis (BV), which consists of a decrease in vaginal organisms good and an increasing number of organisms potentially bad in that area. When this happens and when harmful organisms spread to the uterus and fallopian tubes, pelvic inflammatory disease can occur. Bacterial vaginitis is not sexually transmitted.
Diagnosis and Treatment
Treatment for a tubo-ovarian abscess includes antibiotics and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications for pain. Treatment for a severe tubo-ovarian abscess may require narcotic pain medication and surgery. Drainage of the abscess may be accomplished laparoscopically. Male sexual partners should also be evaluated by a doctor to avoid re-infection. ...