Tympanic membrane (eardrum) rupture
Ear Nose | Otorhinolaryngology | Tympanic membrane (eardrum) rupture (Disease)
Tympanic membrane perforation may be partial or total. Persisting perforations creates an abnormal communication between the external environment eardrum house (which houses stays).
Causes and Risk factors
Eardrum rupture can occur as a result of repeated ear infections historic old (childhood), neglected or improperly treated, after injury (cuff on the auricle, accidental introduction of objects in ear canal-pins, paper clips, toothpicks ), burns, trauma, pressure (explosions, divers, decompression) .
This situation, along with hearing loss, permanent risk associated otitis media devices, vertigo, secondary cholesteatoma. In some situations, a recent perforation of the tympanic membrane may heal spontaneously, through its power of regeneration.
Diagnosis and Treatment
The doctor can often determine if you have a perforated eardrum with a visual inspection using an otoscope. Additional tests are performed to determine the cause of the rupture or degree of damage.
The goal of treatment is to relieve pain and prevent or treat infection. Putting warmth on the ear may help relieve discomfort. Keep the ear clean and dry while it is healing. Place cotton balls in the ear while showering or shampooing to prevent water from entering the ear. Avoid swimming or putting your head underneath the water.
Antibiotics (oral or ear drops) may be used to prevent infection or to treat an infection you already have. Painkillers (analgesics), including over-the-counter medications, may be used to relieve pain.
Surgical repair of the eardrum (tympanoplasty) may be needed if the eardrum does not heal on its own. ...