Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)
General or Other | General Practice | Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) (Disease)
First it is important to mention that urinary tract infections in adolescence and adulthood are more prevalent in women. Men can also be exposed to such infections, most commonly in childhood (infants, young children) or elderhood, usually associated with renal abnormalities, anatomical changes in the urinary tract or surgical maneuvers that may cause infection by instruments (such as bladder catheterization).
Women can frequently have urinary infections and without malformations or other kidney problems. This is because the urethra in women is very short compared to that of men. Also, in women the urethral opening is near the vaginal opening and the anal one, so the presence of bacteria and fungi in these areas enables the passage of microorganisms into the urethra. Sometimes these transitions can be achieved very easily, especially since some bacteria possess mobility (can move, such as Proteus. Pathogens (e. g. bacteria, fungi). It can enter the urinary tract: (1) by ascending the urethra into the bladder through the ureter by ascending to the kidneys; (2) by blood - pathogens can enter the blood from another outbreak of infection in the body and reach the kidneys, which can cause an infection; (3) the direct way.
Causes and Risk factors
UTIs are inflammatory diseases caused by various microorganisms that reach the urinary tract where they multiply and lead in time to changes in the normal functioning of the kidneys and urinary tract. It can be a recurrent disease - it returns periodically throughout life, although treated correctly at the time of the infection. UTIs, if they reappear later, they must be treated seriously and properly. UTIs are found in the lower urinary tract: urethra (infection is called urethritis), bladder (cystitis); upper urinary tract: ureters, kidneys (nephritis infections).
The most common pathogens in urinary tract infections are usually bacterias like bacilli (bacteria normally found in the intestinal tract of man and animals, found in faeces, widespread in nature, on the ground).
Diagnosis and Treatment
Because the symptoms of a urinary tract infection mimic those of other conditions, you should see your healthcare provider if you think you have a urinary tract infection. A urine test is needed to confirm that you have an infection. Self-care is not recommended.
You can help reduce the discomfort by taking the following steps:
(1) Follow your healthcare providers treatment recommendations
(2) Finish all antibiotic medication even if you are feeling better before the medication is gone
(3) Take a pain-relieving medication
(4) Use a hot-water bottle to ease pain
(5) Drink plenty of water...