Kidney stone

Lower Back | Nephrology | Kidney stone (Disease)


Kidney stones (renal lithiasis) are small, hard deposits that form inside kidneys. The stones are made of mineral and acid salts.

Causes and Risk factor

Kidney stones develop from salts and minerals that are transported urine stones is very consistent and can vary in size from several millimeters to several centimeters in diameter. Kidney stones have many causes and can affect any part of the urinary tract — from the kidneys to the bladder. Often, stones form when the urine becomes concentrated, allowing minerals to crystallize and stick together.

Diagnosis and Treatment

Imaging tests, such as ultrasound, abdominal ultrasound, intravenous pielografia, pielografia retrograde and computed tomography can be used to indicate the size and location of kidney stones. These investigations can be extremely useful to determine the potential risks posed by natural stone removal, if required minimal intervention or more aggressive treatment.

Passing kidney stones can be quite painful, but the stones usually cause no permanent damage. Depending on the situation, it may be needed nothing more than to take pain medication and drink lots of water to pass a kidney stone. In other instances, surgery may be needed. The doctor may recommend preventive treatment to reduce the risk of recurrent kidney stones if its an increased risk of developing them again. Although derived from the kidney will be removed from the body through the urinary tract (ureter, bladder and urethra) and can often make it difficult or even block the flow urinar. ...

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