Mongolian spots

Skin | Dermatology | Mongolian spots (Disease)


A Mongolian spot, also known as Mongolian blue spot, congenital dermal melanocytosis, and dermal melanocytosis is a benign, flat, congenital birthmark with wavy borders and irregular shape, discovered on and named after Mongolians by Erwin Bälz. It is also extremely prevalent among East Asians, South-East Asians, Polynesians, Native Americans, and East Africans. It normally disappears three to five years after birth and almost always by puberty. The most common color is blue, although they can be blue-gray, blue-black or even deep brown.

Occasionally, Mongolian blue spots are mistaken for bruises, which can raise a question about possible child abuse. It is important to recognize that Mongolian blue spots are birthmarks, NOT bruises.

Symptoms include:

(1) Blue or blue-gray spots on the back, buttocks, base of spine, shoulders, and other body areas

(2) Flat area with irregular shape and unclear edges

(3) Normal skin texture

(4) The spots are usually 2 - 8 centimeters wide

Causes and Risk factors

Mongolian blue spots are common among darker skinned persons, such as those who are of Asian, East Indian, and African descent. Mongolian spots are noncancerous skin markings and are not associated with disease. The markings may cover a large area of the back.

Diagnosis and Treatment

No tests are needed. Your doctor can diagnose this condition by looking at the skin. And no treatment is necessary or recommended.

The spots often fade in a few years and are almost always gone by adolescence. There are no complications. ...

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