Obsessive compulsive disorder (ocd)

General or Other | Psychiatry | Obsessive compulsive disorder (ocd) (Disease)


Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is described as an anxiety disorder. An obsession is a repeated unwanted thought or urge; a compulsion is a repetitive activity that you feel you have to do.

People with OCD are plagued by recurring and distressing thoughts, fears, or images (obsessions) they cannot control. The anxiety (nervousness) produced by these thoughts leads to an urgent need to perform certain rituals or routines (compulsions). OCD is the fourth most common mental disorder, and is diagnosed nearly as often as asthma and diabetes mellitus.

The symptoms of OCD, which are the obsessions and compulsions, may vary. Common obsessions include: fear of dirt or contamination by germs, fear of causing harm to another, fear of making a mistake, fear of being embarrassed or behaving in a socially unacceptable manner, fear of thinking evil or sinful thoughts, need for order, symmetry, or exactness, excessive doubt and the need for constant reassurance.

Causes and Risk factors

The exact cause of obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) is unknown, but a number of theories have been suggested, such as: genetic factors, brain abnormalities, serotonin, infection caused by streptococcal bacteria, life events, family involvement - having parents who are very overprotective.

Diagnosis and Treatment

OCD is treated using medications and therapy. Medications used include: serotonin reuptake inhibitors or a tricyclic antidepressant. ...

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