Puncture wound
General or Other | General Practice | Puncture wound (Disease)
Puncture wound is caused by an object piercing the skin and creating a small hole. Some punctures are just on the surface. Others can be very deep, depending on the source and cause. A puncture wound does not usually result in excessive bleeding. Usually, these wounds close fairly quickly without any intervention.
Causes and Risk factors
Common causes of puncture wounds are wood splinters, pins, nails, and glass. Puncture wounds may also be caused by objects such as scissors and knives. Almost any sharp object can potentially cause a puncture wound.
Diagnosis and Treatment
Treatment may be necessary to prevent infection in some wounds. A puncture wound from a cause such as stepping on a nail can become infected because the object that caused the wound may carry bacteria or spores Clostridium spp that cause tetanus into the skin and tissue.
Treatment for a puncture wound often includes wound irrigation, wound cleansing, and exploration of the wound. Additional treatment may include removal of a wound foreign body, wound repair, antibiotics, or tetanus vaccination. ...