Septal perforation (hole in the nasal septum)
Ear Nose | Otorhinolaryngology | Septal perforation (hole in the nasal septum) (Disease)
Nasal septal perforation is a medical condition in which the nasal septum, which separates the nostrils cartilage membrane develops a hole or crack. This may be directly or indirectly nose piercings using long-term cocaine or decongestants sprays, nasal cleansing or as aggressive digital complication of nasal surgery or rhinoplasty as septoplasty.
May be asymptomatic or cause a variety of symptoms. Small perforations can cause a whistling noise when it breathes. Large perforations usually have more symptoms. These may include a combination of scaling, removal of blood, difficulty breathing, nasal pressure and discomfort. The perforation is how close both nostrils with your symptoms.
Causes and Risk factors
Causes less frequent perforated nasal septum include rare granulomatous conditions such as Wegener granulomatosis. A perforated nasal septum can vary in size and location, finding depth is usually in the nose.
Diagnosis and Treatment
Most nasal perforations can be managed without surgery. Hole will not close the wound edges can never heal though and most symptoms will resolve. Hole and rough surface covered with a cream should continue using a cotton applicator. This will prevent drying area, cracking, bleeding and crusting.
Some months will prepare appropriate application ulcerated edge to heal and will reduce or remit symptoms. In a small percentage of patients surgery is needed to relieve symptoms. There are several different surgical procedures with reported success rates between 40-95%. Septal perforations are usually asymptomatic. However, some patients may have a history of nasal obstruction, crusting, intermittent episodes of epistaxis, foul-smelling drainage from the nose or the whistling sound during breathing.
A medical history is important in the assessment as nasal perforations are associated with various systemic diseases. Inflammatory diseases such as collagen vascular diseases, sarcoidosis and Wegeners granulomatosis may cause septal perforations. Infectious processes such as tuberculosis, syphilis and fungal diseases may cause septal perforations. Rarely perforation is an essential element in a cancer. ...