Nasal Congestion
Ear Nose | Otorhinolaryngology | Nasal Congestion (Symptom)
Nasal congestion or stuffy nose is a term that refers to the obstruction of airflow in and out of the nose. In contrast, the term nasal discharge means a discharge (fluid) from the nostrils.
Nasal congestion is most often the result of inflammation and swelling of the tissues lining the nasal passages and sinuses. Less commonly, anatomical obstructions (such as a deviated septum, foreign bodies) can lead to nasal congestion. Prolonged use of certain nasal decongestant sprays or drops can lead to a worsening of nasal congestion.
Rarely, tumours of the nasal passages or chronic medical conditions can cause congestion of nasal congestion. This refers to the presence of increased secretions and mucus in the nostrils, usually arises from a common cold, allergic reaction, inflammation or infection of the sinuses (sinusitis). Infections of the paranasal sinuses are infections caused by a pathogen (virus, bacteria or fungus) that grows in the sinus and causes blockage intermittent sinus ostium.